I am here to nSpire people, so that innovation emerge for improving our society

I imagine a world where innovation is the cornerstone of sustained economic growth and prosperity for our society. A world where innovation combined with strategy, enables convergence and growth of economies, industries, technologies, institutions, organisations and families. 

I believe that a society without innovation stands still, with no learning, no progress and will and eventually fail. I believe innovation without strategy will fail.
Human history is characterised by the search for more intelligent solutions for day-to-day problems. Whether it’s the axe, wheel, electricity or computer – without constant innovation there would never have been progress, simply stagnation.

Kasper J H Ditlevsen



Get nSpired reading curated- or own developed articles

Innovation is easier said than done and often requires collaboration with others, overcome resistance from stakeholders, and invest valuable time and resources into generating solutions. It can also be highly discouraging because many ideas generated during ideation may not go anywhere. But the end result can make the difference between society, and thus also business success or failure.
Here you can read own developed articles or curated articles on topics, which concern entrepreneurs or executives, assisting in bringing ideation to life through real examples.  


Obtain access to resources, relevant to topics addressed in articles 

Innovation implementation is the transition period during which creative individuals or organisations ideally become increasingly skilful, consistent, and committed in their use of an innovation. Steve Jobs said: "To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions."
Whether you are an entrepreneur looking for funding bringing your idea to life, or an executive building new revenue streams or optimise your existing business using innovation, this section is a collection of resources to assist you in a successful journey of implementing innovation.

Read latest published article on Data Collaborations

An article about data collaborations, data monetisation, describing why the opportunities and risks are massive, as well as how technologies and methodologies can unlock this great potential while mitigating risks.

by Kasper J H Ditlevsen, Confidant & Advisor

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